The other day on our staging server, I noticed that the BackgrounDRb queue worker had died. As it turned out, the queue worker had died over 3 months ago!!
There was no cause for alarm as the staging server isn't critical but this did start me to worrying. We needed to implement a monitoring solution which not only verified that BackgrounDRb was running but also that particular workers were running.
As we had just implemented god monitoring with a custom condition for another issue, its a slam dunk to do the same again. (Thanks to Jesse Newland and his god tutorial at AtlRUG.)
Here's the configuration file that got it done for us.
1 #run on command line with 'god -c backgroundrb.god -D'
2 RAILS_ROOT = '/var/www/rails/rollbook/current'
4 #load required rails and backgroundrb files
5 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../boot'
6 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../environment'
7 require 'erb'
8 $LOAD_PATH << "#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/lib"
9 require "#{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/lib/backgroundrb.rb"
11 #create custom condition for checking that QueryProcessingWorker is running
12 MiddleMan =
13 module God
14 module Conditions
15 class Backgroundrb < PollCondition
16 def initialize; super; end
17 def valid?; true; end
19 def test
20 begin
21 queue_worker = { |w| :queue_processing_worker == w[:worker] }
22 queue_worker.empty?
23 rescue #if all_worker_info raises exception, then bdrb isn't running and we were unable to connect
24 true
25 end
26 end
27 end
28 end
29 end
31 do |w|
32 = 'backgroundrb'
33 w.interval = 1.minute
34 w.restart = "cd #{RAILS_ROOT} && #{RAILS_ROOT}/script/backgroundrb -e production stop && #{RAILS_ROOT}/script/backgroundrb -e production start"
35 w.stop = "cd #{RAILS_ROOT} && #{RAILS_ROOT}/script/backgroundrb -e production stop"
36 w.start = "cd #{RAILS_ROOT} && #{RAILS_ROOT}/script/backgroundrb -e production start"
37 w.grace = 1.minute
38 w.pid_file = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/tmp/pids/"
40 w.start_if do |start|
41 start.condition(:process_running) do |c|
42 c.running = false
43 end
44 end
46 w.restart_if do |restart|
47 restart.condition(:backgroundrb) do |c|
48 #just restart it
49 end
50 end
51 end
In the select call on line 21, you can modify the condition to access :job_key or :status as well. Obviously, you need to modify RAILS_ROOT for your situation.
If you have suggestions for improvement or questions, hit me up in the comments. Enjoy!
Nice work, Jonathan! Glad you found the tutorial useful. Backgroundrb is notoriously hard to monitor, and this solution is right on. If you wouldn't mind, please fork my god_examples project on github and add this. Thanks!
You don't need to load the boot and environment files. Replace that with:
require 'activerecord'
It'll save a bunch of memory by not loading your whole app.
Thanks curi. I'll be updating my post with your suggestion and a few other updates here shortly.
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